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Prediabetes & Diabetes

As a certified diabetes educator, I understand that diabetes can have profound impact on our physical health and mental health. Whether you have been newly diagnosed or have long-standing diabetes, I can support you achieve your goals. You will gain the knowledge, tools, and resources to help you succeed in managing your health.

Individual Sessions

A La Carte (Per Appointment Pricing)

Initial Consultation

60 min

Full assessment of relevant health history (bloodwork, medical test results), eating and exercise habits, and your nutrition goals. Evidence-based education (and encouragement) to empower you to take control of your health. Comprehensive email recap of session including goals, actionable steps, and applicable resources.


Follow-up Session

45 min

Discuss your progress, challenges, and barriers. We work together to make realistic adjustments based on your lifestyle, self-monitored blood sugars and priorities. 


I'm here to provide any support your need to help you achieve your goals.



Get Started Package

(over 6 month period)

Great option if you are confident in your ability to adjust your behaviours but just need some support and guidance.​ 


  • Initial Consultation (60 mins)

  • 2 Follow-up Sessions (45 mins each)

  • Bloodwork review

  • Email support between sessions

  • Tailored resources 

  • Sample menu plan (1 week)


6 Session Package

(over 6 month period)

Ideal if you require consistent support to make long-term health change. 


  • Initial Consultation (60 mins)

  • 5 Follow-up Sessions (45 mins each)

  • Bloodwork review

  • Email support between sessions

  • Tailored resources 

  • Sample menu plan (2 weeks)



Many personal or corporate health insurance plans cover nutrition services by a Registered Dietitian. A receipt will be provided after each appointment, and can be used for reimbursement if needed. 


Accepted payment methods: e-Transfer.

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Office Hours
Mon - Thurs: 5pm - 7pm
Sat: 9am-12pm

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